The Green Hornet
Here C.T. Brides
The Big Boss
Fist Of Fury
Game Of Death
Game Of Death 2
Enter The Dragon
Fist Of Unicorn
With Friends
From Movies
Behind The Scenes
Winamp Skins
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In 1973 Bruce Lee began filming his follow-up to "Way of the Dragon" called "Game of Death". Because American producers came to him to star in "Enter the Dragon", Bruce put "Game of Death" on hold. Bruce planned to continue with the filming of "Game of Death" after "Enter the Dragon", but, sadly, Bruce Lee passed away before he could return to the set of "Game of Death"...5 years later, Robert Clouse took some exsisting Lee footage from "Game of Death" and re-worked the whole plot. This resulted in one of the most terrible Cinema work ever done with the name "Bruce Lee" in the credits. 

Using information from books and magazines from over 25 years ago, this will be the most accurate outline of details of what the film would of been if Bruce was still alive to complete "Game of Death".
Here you will find NO Motorcycle stunts...NO Bruce Lee lookalikes...NO Explotation!! 



A National priceless treasure is stolen by an "Unkown" Martial Arts school. According to eyewitnesses, the treasure has been placed on top of a Pagoda , which is located on an island off the cost of Korea where the students of this Martial Arts school practice their deadly Martial Arts skills. Inside the Pagoda, there are different levels of floors where there is a Master of a different Martial Art on each floor. As you get higher and higher to the top of the Pagoda, each master gets harder and harder to defeat. 

Bruce Lee, James Tien, Chieh Yuan and two other American Martial Arts experts hear about this horrible crime. Bruce and his men volunteer to sail to the Island and retrieve the Treasure and return it to its rightful people. Before they actually enter this "unkown" island, they study it and practice their Martial Arts skills upon what they have learned about the Island. 

Bruce, the laid back and most skillful martial artist of them all looks at this mission as a kind of "Game". Only in this game, if you lose you don't get kicked out of the circle or sat in a corner. If you are to lose in THIS game, you are placed about 6-feet in the ground, thats if the enemy is willing to dig a hole for you. This is no ordinary game of stealing the cookies from a cookie jar. This is the "Game of Death". 



Bruce Lee's Character: The master of "Anything that works" or in general, Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee's character despises the system of traditional martial arts and adapts to whatever he encounters, his character is like water, flowing to whatever the deadly surroundings are. Many of the other martial artists in "Game of Death" wore traditional martial arts costumes, while Bruce wears the opposite famous Yellow and black jumpsuit, which is to show "Imagination rising above tradition". Bruce Lee's character believes hat the martial artist has to be better than the martial tradition. Bruce brings two weapons along with him, a pair of Yellow "Nunchakus" and a "Bako" (A thin, whip-like Bamboo stick). Bruce's character is worry-free and ready for anything! 

James Tien's Character : James is the pretty city boy who sports his everyday clothing on the mission. As a great martial artist who has a great background in Kung-Fu and different types of Streetfighting, there is still a down-fall to this man. He still goes by the martial tradition. Like Bruce said "A man has to be flexible and adaptable, otherwise he will be destroyed", But James usually goes his own way and has enough self-pride not to listen to Bruce's important advise. James is still considered to be the most smartest of the group (Not including Bruce Lee, of course!). 

Chieh Yuan's Character: Chieh is the totally opposite of Bruce's character. If Bruce was "water", Chieh was "stone". As we all know, "water" flows through practically anything, but "stone" has its limits. Chieh is dressed in his traditional dark karate outfit, unlike Bruce's modern day yellow and black jumpsuit. Chieh's character is the emotional, worried fighter that has his doubts and is full of negative thoughts throughout this mission. 

American Fighter #1 or George: A Streetfigting expert (rumored to be played by George Lazenby), who knows no martial arts whatsoever. Even though this guy has his way with using his street smarts to survive, it will be useless on this Deadly Island. He is also a very good marksman with his guns, but don't forget, you can't get anywhere near the island because there are metal searchers (like the ones at Airports), so that means, No knives, No Guns, or any other deadly metal objects. 

American Fighter #2 or Bob: Another Karate expert (rumored to be played by either Bob Wall or Chuck Norris). Just like Chieh Yuan, this American fighter won't stay away from the traditional way of fighting. Although, this fighter is one of the America's best, he still has to question himself, is he good enough to face what is waiting for him on the Deadly Island? This is not no American Karate Tournament...this is a deadly Game where you either win or die. 



The Hulk and his Gang of Fighters: A Muscular Kung-Fu expert (Rumored to be played by Bolo Yueng) and his 50 students guard the first floor and the exterior surrounding of the Pagoda. The 50 or more fighters are rumored to be mediocre Martial Arts students who have about 2-3 years of training but are still considered to be deadly than your average fighter. The main worry is the brutal & muscular Kung-fu Hulk. 

Danny Inosanto's character: He guards the "Temple of the Tiger". A Filipino Fighter who is famous for his"Nunchaku" playing and "Escrima" techniques. A great fighter who is deeply respected in the Philippines, where he once ran his own school of Filipino Martial Arts. 

Chi Hon Tsoi's Character: He guards the "The Temple of Gold". A Korean fighter who is Gold rank in Tae kwon do. His grasping and throwing techniques of Tae kwon do are deadly as can be. More powerful than Danny's character. 

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's character: He guards the "Temple of the Unknown". The seven foot tall Jabbar is a strange man with superb martial arts skill. He is tall and his hands are long. His legs art strong and powerful, so are his fists. So far, No one can stand his attack! Like Bruce, the giant uses everything from non-traditional to traditional ways of fighting. But, like anyother fighter, he has his weaknesses. Hopefully, one of the five fighters of this mission will find out what his weakness is. 



Bruce, James, Chieh, George & Bob arrive on the Island. The Island is nicely landscaped with many exotic plants that the five men have never seen before. It wasn't the landscaping that caught their attention...it was the tall Pagoda that stood a few miles away, but because it was so tall and so big, it still seemed as if it was right before them. 

There is a big brick wall that surrounds the Island which the five men are about to pass through. There is only one entrance through the wall. They walk through the entrance and a loud alarm goes off. At the same time, 20 of the Island's guards come jumping out of nowhere and look at the five men. One of the guards' points to George and says, "Please give up your gun". 

George hands him his Revolver. Bruce turns to George and says, "Nice try!". The five men continue to enter one by one, but once again, the alarm goes off. This time, James is caught with a sharp dagger which he gives up to the guards. George turns to James and Says, "Nice try!". 

One of the 20 guards then ask them what they came for and why they brought such harmful weapons. George jumps up and yells, "What do you think!, I wouldn't of brought a gun if I knew any Martial Arts, I wanna learn some Karate you little Bastard!!". George raises his fist and punches one of the guards. Then all Hell breaks loose! Before we know it, the five men and 20 guards are all fighting eachother using different styles and techniques. 

Bruce and the other four men successfully kill or injure all of the 20 men. They give eachother high fives and handshakes as a sign of an early victory! Bob speaks for everyone by saying, "This is gonna be like taking candy away from a baby'!" Then, out of nowhere comes about 30 more Guards. This time, they are all Black Belts! The 30 guards attack. The guards split into groups of 3-5 to handle Bruce, James, Chieh, George & Bob individually. Once again all Hell breaks lose! 

This time, all 30 of the guards are killed, along with Bob. Bob got kicked and punched to death by some of the guards. Bruce, James, Chieh and George managed to kill off the rest. They were all too busy to notice that Bob was beaten to death. The 4 men take a moment of silence. Bruce takes Bob's Black Belt and uniform and lays it on top of Bob's dead body. James turns to his three friends and says, "Lets finish our business and get that damn Treasure!". 

The remaining 4 men walk until they get to the entrance of the Pagoda. 



Bruce and the 3 men enter the Pagoda, the first thing they see is a muscular man, wearing a Karate outfit. The muscular man gets off the chair he is sitting on, takes off his shirt and attacks George. George manages to dodge the muscular man's first kick. The other 3 men watch as George tries to take on the muscular man. Bruce, Chieh and James notice that George is no match for the muscular man. Seconds later, the muscular man snaps George's neck, leaving no time for the other tree men to save him. 

The muscular man takes a look at the remaining 3 men and says, "Who's next!". Bruce steps in, James stops Bruce and says, "I'll handle this pig!". James and the muscular man go at it! Bruce and Chieh sit and watch as the other two fight. Chieh noticed a big piece of wood on the floor right next to George's body, he picks it up so he can use it against the next unpredictable enemy. 

James manages to bring down the muscular man by kicking him in the balls and then sending about 8 solid punches to his head! Even after the muscular guy is down, James kicks him about 5 times to make sure he has been defeated! James then turns to the Bruce and Chieh and says, "Lets see whats on the second floor!?". 



The remaining three walk up to the second floor. They notice a sign just before you enter this room that reads 'TEMPLE OF THE TIGER'. The three men look at eachother and ignore this threatening sign. Just as they enter, a man gets off a Tiger-like chair that is decorated with a Tiger patterned silk sheet. This enemy is dressed in a traditional black Moslem uniform with a red headband. Also, he is holding a pair of deadly "Escrima" sticks. 

While Bruce and James get ready, Chieh rushes and is the first one to go against him. He uses that big piece of wood that he got from the first floor to fight this enemy, but he is defeated. Chieh tries to use his punch and kick, again he is badly hurt by this bad guy's use of "Escrima" sticks. James joins Chieh to go against Inosanto, still the attack is not a successful one. James and Chieh try to defeat this powerful enemy, but with the ememys great use of his "Escrima" sticks, James and Chieh are not match! 

Bruce yells, "Stop!, you wanna fight, I'll take you on!". James and Chieh step aside and let Bruce have his turn. Bruce takes out his "Bako" (A thin, whip-like Bamboo stick). Bruce looks at Chieh and says, "This Bamboo Sword is much more flexible, much more alive". Bruce says this in reference to Chieh's unsuccessful attack with his big piece of wood. 

The bad guy we now know as Inosanto, turns to Bruce, looks at him in the eye. Inosanto can tell that this guy in the yellow and black jumpsuit is a REAL fighter, unlike the other two. So Inosanto taps out a traditional challenge with his sticks. Bruce smiles and mocks him by tapping his "Bako" on the floor, copying the sound of a "knock-knock who's there" theme. 

Then, faster than lightning, Bruce whips his "Bako" at the forehead of Inosanto, leaving a painful scar on him. Inosanto gets frustrated and worried. Bruce, again, whips his "Bako" at the forehead of Inosanto. Inosanto now has a "X" shaped scar on his forehead. Inosanto, drops his sticks and takes out a pair of "nunchakus" he had hidden in his back pocket. 

Bruce also takes his pair of "nunchakus". The two men then have a "nunchaku" duel. Inosanto manages to hit Bruce once with his "nunchakus" and says, "Well how do ya like that!". Bruce strikes him with his "nunchakus" while Inosanto starts to brag about his "One-hit wonder". After a short and successful "nunchaku" duel, Bruce defeats Inosanto by striking him in the head a couple of times and choking him to death with his pair of "nunchakus". 

Bruce, James and Chieh take a short rest and look at the dead body of Inosanto. Bruce looka down and jumps on Inosanto's body as a sign of victory, thinking that the treasure is on the next floor. 



The three men are now on the 3rd floor of the deadly Pagoda. As they enter this new room they notice a sign that reads 'TEMPLE OF GOLD'. They walk further in to notice a bed-like chair where this man is resting around a bright red light. This character as we know is the deadly Gold rank in Taekwondo, his name is Chi Hon-Soi. He is wearing a traditional Taekwondo outfit with a Golden belt around his waist. 

Chi gets up from the bed-like chair and gets in his combat stance. Once again, the careless Chieh is the first one to attack this new enemy. Chi uses his grasping and throwing techniques in Taekwondo to defeat and badly hurt Chieh. James Tien takes his turn and is no match for him too. 

Finally, Bruce joins in. Bruce uses his fierce Jeet-Kune-Do to go round and round with Chi. It is a good matching fight between the grasping and throwing techniques of Chi and Bruce's intercepting fist! Bruce gets the best of the enemy by lifting Chi up and dropping him to Bruce's own knee. 

Chi Hon-Soi's has just gotten his back broken by the mighty Bruce and this fight is done with. However, this fight has used up most of Bruce's energy. Bruce is badly hurt. Bruce looks around and notices James and Chieh are nowhere in site. He thinks that they must have gotten a head start to the next floor while Bruce was busy fighting Chi. Bruce then follows... 



As Bruce walks up to the steps of the next floor as Chieh's body is thrown down the steps!! Bruce looks down and he see's that Chieh is dead! Bruce continues to walk up the steps and see's a sign that reads, 'TEMPLE OF THE UNKOWN'. As Bruce takes his last step, he see's James Tien's dead body on the floor right next to......a seven foot tall African-American giant!! 

The giant man is wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a blue shirt. Bruce notices that the man is barefoot. Bruce also notices that the man is wearing sunglasses and wonder why he is wearing sunglasses inside of a pagoda??? The giant man sits back down in a rocking-chair waiting for Bruce to make his first move. 

The tired Bruce walks up to the chair that the giant is sitting on and "BOOM!". The giant kicks Bruce right in the chest sending Bruce flying about12 feet away! Bruce gets up. There is a big foot mark on Bruce Lee's suit that the giant left while sending him that powerful kick. 

Bruce walks away for a moment and runs his finger through his nose. Bruce thinks for awhile. Bruce takes his own advice that follows, "a man has to be flexible and adaptable, otherwise he will be destroyed....". 

Bruce Lee again confronts the giant. The two battle it out in a long tiresome fight. Bruce takes advantage of the fact that the giant is barefoot and steps on his feet! Bruce, knowing that he doesn't have to duck, takes his hand and squeezes the giant's balls!!! The giant is now starting to feel the pain as Bruce Lee's character "adapts" to the situation. 

The Giant gets a few good punches out of Bruce. Bruce then strikes the Giant in the face sending his sunglasses flying to the ground. Bruce notices that the Giant starts to cover his eyes! Bruce wonders why this guy is having a hard time without his glasses and comes to the conclusion that it could be that his eyes are super sensitive to the normal light in the room. 

The giant swings and punches Bruce. Bruce easily blocks them the giant's punches using no energy at all. Almost like a blind man, the Giant is swinging his fist into the air, as if he was trying to knock out a fly!! Bruce takes it to a more extreme by letting more sunlight in by breaking some of the Pagoda's paper thin windows! As he breaks and punches more of the Pagoda's windows, the more sunlight comes in from the outside! The Giant begins to cover his eyes and it greatly effects his performance. 

Bruce then jumps up and gets a hold of the Giant's neck. Bruce gives his all by squeezing the giant's neck as powerful as he can! The giant breaks loose and throws Bruce onto a table which breaks as soon as Bruce lands on it. Bruce again jumps up and gets a hold of the giant's neck....This time, Bruce manages to snap it!! CRACK!!!!!!!!! 

Bruce is so exhausted that he just lies on the floor for awhile. But knowing that the Treasure is still on another floor, Bruce continues with his mission.... 



As Bruce walks up to the steps of the next floor as Chieh's body is thrown down the steps!! Bruce looks down and he see's that Chieh is dead! Bruce continues to walk up the steps and see's a sign that reads, 'TEMPLE OF THE UNKOWN'. As Bruce takes his last step, he see's James Tien's dead body on the floor right next to......a seven foot tall African-American giant!! 

The giant man is wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a blue shirt. Bruce notices that the man is barefoot. Bruce also notices that the man is wearing sunglasses and wonder why he is wearing sunglasses inside of a pagoda??? The giant man sits back down in a rocking-chair waiting for Bruce to make his first move. 

The tired Bruce walks up to the chair that the giant is sitting on and "BOOM!". The giant kicks Bruce right in the chest sending Bruce flying about12 feet away! Bruce gets up. There is a big foot mark on Bruce Lee's suit that the giant left while sending him that powerful kick. 

Bruce walks away for a moment and runs his finger through his nose. Bruce thinks for awhile. Bruce takes his own advice that follows, "a man has to be flexible and adaptable, otherwise he will be destroyed....". 

Bruce Lee again confronts the giant. The two battle it out in a long tiresome fight. Bruce takes advantage of the fact that the giant is barefoot and steps on his feet! Bruce, knowing that he doesn't have to duck, takes his hand and squeezes the giant's balls!!! The giant is now starting to feel the pain as Bruce Lee's character "adapts" to the situation. 

The Giant gets a few good punches out of Bruce. Bruce then strikes the Giant in the face sending his sunglasses flying to the ground. Bruce notices that the Giant starts to cover his eyes! Bruce wonders why this guy is having a hard time without his glasses and comes to the conclusion that it could be that his eyes are super sensitive to the normal light in the room. 

The giant swings and punches Bruce. Bruce easily blocks them the giant's punches using no energy at all. Almost like a blind man, the Giant is swinging his fist into the air, as if he was trying to knock out a fly!! Bruce takes it to a more extreme by letting more sunlight in by breaking some of the Pagoda's paper thin windows! As he breaks and punches more of the Pagoda's windows, the more sunlight comes in from the outside! The Giant begins to cover his eyes and it greatly effects his performance. 

Bruce then jumps up and gets a hold of the Giant's neck. Bruce gives his all by squeezing the giant's neck as powerful as he can! The giant breaks loose and throws Bruce onto a table which breaks as soon as Bruce lands on it. Bruce again jumps up and gets a hold of the giant's neck....This time, Bruce manages to snap it!! CRACK!!!!!!!!! 

Bruce is so exhausted that he just lies on the floor for awhile. But knowing that the Treasure is still on another floor, Bruce continues with his mission.... 



Bruce walks up to the next, and hopefully, the last floor of the mysterious Pagoda. Bruce looks around the room and finds a fancy decorative box about the size of a coffin. Bruce opens it up and finds nothing but a piece of old paper thats reads "Life is but a process of waiting for death." 

Stunned by the discovery of the Treasure, Bruce staggers down stairs with dreadful look on his face... 



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